
Deuteronomy 13 1 If ever you have among you a prophet or a dreamer of dreams and he gives you a sign or a wonder, 2 And the sign or the wonder takes place, and he says to you, Let us go after other gods, which are strange to you, and give them worshi

Mamwe Mazwi chinjirudza

  • Kuchedza kana kucheza (to beckon, to signal, to make a sign).
  • Kuchedzera kana kuchezera (to beckon, to signal, to make a sign). Ndakamuchezera neziso. Ndakamuchezera kuti ndichamurova - I warned him that I would beat him.
  • Rega kuita chedza nerwizi rwakazara, unoyeredzwa.

Zanhi rinori ndere kutsauranisa chirevo, rino dorongotsa sipwi dzine matumidzo akafanana.
Kana kochekedzo yorukati yakuunzai pano, ringai matumidzo akadorongotswa pamusoro apo kuti muwane ramunoda uye mukwanise kuenda kwariri.