Shoko rokuti ndemo (contrariness in character or purpose) rinotaura munhu kana chinhu chine zvinangwa kana mushandiro unopokana nezviripo zviri kudiwa kana zvinotarisirwa.

Kurerutsa Mutauro chinjirudza

  • Mwana waSaunyama ane ndemo - apa kureva kuti mwana uyu haaite kana kutevedza zvinangwa zvenguva iyoyo zvinenge zvakatarwa kuti zviitwe.
  • Chindeme (unfavourable outcome) zvinoreva mhedzisiro isina kururamira mubati kana ari kucherechedza.

Tsumo chinjirudza

  • Indemo hadzo dzeane nyota, asi mvura haikokotwi. It is (hopelessly) incongruous for a thirsty person but water cannot be scraped up with a finger.
  • Indemo dzomutenda kukumbira mvura imwe anayo. It is contrariness for a sick person to ask you for water which is there.

Shoko iri rinokwanisa kuzoshanda kuturikira inonzi negativity kuEnglish.

Mitauro yeBantu chinjirudza

  • VaSwahili vanoti mteremo, miteremo, nderemo (joy, happiness; cheerfulness, contentment, comfort; light-heartedness, freedom from care; amusement).