Dandara Pamusoro (ideo of Being high; of Being on highest point).

Muenzaniso chinjirudza

  • Takaona Zhombwe kuti dandara: we saw that Zhombwe was higher than the other hills.
  • Takati dandara pamusoro pegomo: we were on the summit of the hill.

Mitauro yeBantu chinjirudza

  • MaZulu vanoti dundu (ideo. of reaching the summit, coming out on top).
  • MaZulu vanoti ilidundu kana amadundu (Top or summit (of a rise, hill, or house).
  • MaZulu vanoti dundubala (Come out on top, reach the summit; come up over a hill (as sun or moon) vachireva kupfuura pamusoro pegomo.