
(runangakatsva kubva kuKotswa)

Shoko rokuti kotsa (hide inorder to save) rinoreva kuviga kana kurongedza chiro kuti chichengetedzwe pachisingatambiswe kana kusvibiswa nevanhu.

Shoko rokuti kotsa riri kushandiswa pachinyorwa chino kutaura inonzi saving a file pacomputer.

Kurerutsa Mutauro chinjirudza

  • Kotsa tsamba dzako padzisingatambiswe nevana.
  • Chikoko icho chinokotsei - apa kureva what does that box hold?

Tsumo chinjirudza

  • Chiduku ndechokusimira chokudya hachina chiduku. In dressing, something too small can be discarded but not when it comes to food.
  • Chokudya hachina chiduku asi chapamuviri. Something to eat cannot be small, but something worn (can).