Kurerutsa Mutauro chinjirudza

  • Chiriridza ngoro: stop the wagon; or, put many different things on the wagon.
  • chiriri (ideophone of Standing still - mbikiti, 2. of Halting).
  • chiririka (1. Stand still - dzororoka kana sipitika, 2. Move in different direcs tions. 3. Fill up; be filled with different kinds of things).
  • -chiririra (1. Bring to a stop. 2. Fill a container with different kinds of things).

Mamwe Mazwi chinjirudza

  • Homwe yomukomana uyu yakachiririka: this boy's pocket is filled with different kinds of things.

Mitauro yeBantu chinjirudza

  • Mururimi rweYao vanoti chilili (expressive of standing upright) kureva chiriri.
  • Mang'anja vanoti chiri (standing upright) vachireva chiriri.

Zanhi rinori ndere kutsauranisa chirevo, rino dorongotsa sipwi dzine matumidzo akafanana.
Kana kochekedzo yorukati yakuunzai pano, ringai matumidzo akadorongotswa pamusoro apo kuti muwane ramunoda uye mukwanise kuenda kwariri.