Kuhwanda kana kuhwara (to hide).
- Kuhwandisa (cause to be hidden, place in a hidden area).
- Kuhwandika kana kuvandika (to be hidden).
- Kuviga (to hide something).
- Kutsvitsa (to hide) zvinoreva kuviga kana kuvanza.
Kurerutsa Mutauro
chinjirudza- ... navo vakatiza koohwara: they rushed to hide themselves. (Daniel 10:7).
- Potera mubuwe, uhware mubukuta, kubva mukutyisa kwaMambo Mwari: Enter into the rock and hide in the dust from the terror of the Lord. (Isaiah 2:10, Bhaibheri reChiNdau).
Mitauro yeBantu
chinjirudza- MaZulu vanoti banda kana bandama (take cover, hide, speak evasively) zvichireva kuhwanda. Muenzaniso: uku6anda ngomuthi (to take cover behind a tree).
- MaZulu vanoti bandakanya (take cover, hide behind, find safety behind) zvichireva kuhwanda.
- MaZulu vanoti imbabandama kana izimbandama (slope; protected side of a hill) zvichireva divi regomo rakahwandika kana rakachengeteka.
- VaGwere vanoti kwiguka (come out from; appear suddenly from nowhere, land, end up at, emerge from) richireva kubuda pakahwanda.