Homekedzo (Parting instructions) kana kukomekedza - apa kureva mirayiro yakasimba inopiwa munhu ari kuenda iri murayiro inotaura zvaanofanirwa kuita kana kusaita.

  • Homeko (Advice, or avoidance rule, given to someone whom one wants to protect) apa kureva yambiro kana murayiro uri kuudzwa munhu nechinangwa chokuti achenjerere kuchengeta hupenyu hwake.

Mitauro yeBantu

  • VaGwere vanoti nkomerero (limit, bounds, conclusion, terminal point; end point; place beyond which something cannot go, or where it ends or is in its final stage of completion).
  • VaGwere vanoti nkomerero (end of all things, i.e., the end of the world; Judgement day).
  • VaGwere vanoti mpembi (n, tip; end point of something) vachireva magumo echinhu?.