Shoko rokuti kutsvitsa kana kuti kuvanza (being secretive) rinoreva kuita zvinhu muchivande uchivanzira vanhu vari munharaunda.

Saka pano tingaturikira secret tichiti chakatsvitswa kana kuti chitsvitswa.

Kurerutsa Mutauro chinjirudza

Zvirevo chinjirudza

  • Kurebesa muromo unodya chomwedzi, cherima hauchiwani. If you talk too loud and too much, you will (only) eat something done in moonlight but not something done in darkness.
  • Kurebesa muromo unodya chedemo, chebanga hauchiwani. If you talk too loud and too much, you will (only) eat something cut with an axe but not with a knife.
  • Kutengana imbwa chiverevere mangwana munorwira changadzo. If you make a deal over a secret, you will fight about the leash tomorrow.

Mitauro yeBantu chinjirudza

  • VaGiryama vanoti ku-fitsa (v. to conceal from a person). VaGulu vanoti ku-fisa (v. to hide).
  • VaYao vanoti mapeto (a secret). VaZigula vanoti chinyere (secretly). VaZigula vanoti mafiso (n. secret).
  • VaZigula vanoti siri (secret) kureva mberembere. Sokuti Siri ya wantru waidi yafisika. - Secrets of two people are hideable.