Chivakamberi zeze
Chinyorwa chino chakaunganidza mazwi anopera nechivakamberi chokuti zeze.
- Dengezeze kana matengezeze (1. A large area or complex, 2. Spread, compass, expanse).
- Maguruzeze kana guruzeze (act of drooping or wilting).
- Guruzeze (ideophone of Drooping - through weakness, sickness or depression; 2. of Being tasteless kana tonho).
- Bunguzeze (Settled swarm of insects) zvichireva bumbu renyuchi.
- Bunguzeze (Hubbub) zvichireva mhopiro kana bungamhere.
Kurerutsa Mutauro
chinjirudza- Sikati guru miriwo inoita guruzeze: growing vegetables droop in the midday sun.
- Urimbo hwaita maguruzeze: birdlime has lost its strength.
- Muti uyo wakaita dengezeze: that tree's branches have a wide spread.
- Nguwani yedengezeze: hat with a very broad brim.
- Tuku anozivikanwa mudengezeze renyika: Tuku is known all over the country.
- Bota rine mbanda rinoti guruzeze: medicated porridge is tasteless.