Kubishinga kana kubisha (Be diligently, industriously active, work energetically). Muchenje tusikwa tunogarobisha: ants are little creatures that are always busy.
Mamwe Mazwi
chinjirudza- Bishi, mabishi kana chapwati (Whole-hearted activity). Pane bishi hapadanwi anonzwa: where people are very busy there is no calling and getting an answer.
- -bishiko- (deficient v Diligently, industriously). Amai vanobishikoshandira mhuri yavo: a mother works diligently for the family.
- Kubishinga kana kubirisha (Work energetically. Vari kubishinga mabasa, kurima, etc: they are busy at work, ploughing, etc
- Mubisho kana bishingo (Scene of energtic work or whole hearted activity).
- Mubishi kana mhishi kureva ivo vashandi vacho vanobata basa nemazvo.
- Kubishidza (to operate) sokuti kubishidza mushini - to operate a machine.
Mitauro yeBantu
chinjirudza- VaWanga vanoti libishiro (store; bank; treasury; any place where things are stored away) kureva nzvimbo inochengeterwa nhumbi kana zvinhu.