Kukumba (remove completely) zvinoreva kubvisa zvinhu zvose kubva panzvimbo pasina chinosara.
- Kukumba (to gather together, to loot).
Kurerutsa Mutauro
chinjirudza- Akakumba nhumbi dzake dzose ndokubva akwira bhazi kudzokera kumusha kwaSeke.
- Mutariri wavasevenzi anovakumbisa marara mudzinzira dzeguta: the foreman gets the workmen to remove all the rubbish from the streets of the city.
Mitauro yeAfrika
chinjirudza- Mambwe inoti -kumbana (to gather in a group). Mamwe Mazwi: -kumba (to herd, drive cattle, goats) kureva kutinha mombe. Humburi inoti kumbi (gather around something).
- Lugwere inoti kukumbaana (gather, meet or converge together, come together to form a group) kureva kukumbana. Kukumbaania (bring people together; cause to gather) kureva kukumbanya.
- Lugwere inoti ikumbaaniro (community gathering place) kureva panosangana vanhu. Mamwe Mazwi: lukumbaana kana nkumbaana (n. gathering, assembly, congregation) kureva guungano.
- VaGwere vanoti ikumbaaniryo kana makumbaaniryo pakuwanda (dictionary, compilation, collection, heap) vachireva chikumbanidzwa.