Mamwe Mazwi chinjirudza

Kurerutsa Mutauro chinjirudza

  • Mhepo haingapindi nokuti gonhi rakakwatika: the wind cannot get in because the door is closed.
  • Kwatika museve murutsanga: make the arrow-head fast in the reed into which you have inserted it.
  • Kwatikidza demo muvhaisi: clamp the axe in the vice.
  • Akakwatika mabhuku: he picked up the books and went off with them.

Kurerutsa Mitauro yeBantu chinjirudza

  • VaLubwisi vanoti kukwatani̱ya (v. 1. link; connect; join; attach; 2. glue together; hold together; fix together).

Zanhi rinori ndere kutsauranisa chirevo, rino dorongotsa sipwi dzine matumidzo akafanana.
Kana kochekedzo yorukati yakuunzai pano, ringai matumidzo akadorongotswa pamusoro apo kuti muwane ramunoda uye mukwanise kuenda kwariri.