• Mhingo (Food or other matter that is object of an avoidance rule contracted for the warding off harm from a place or person. Kupinga).
  • Mhingo, Chirukwa (Weaving with thin branches or laths).
  • Mhingo (Stick or sticks used to close an entrance).
  • Mhingo (Sling cradle for carrying child on back) apa kureva mbereko yekuberekesa mwana.
  • Mhingo (Covering or palisade for driving game into hunting net). Munyika dzinorura shumba nenzou, vanhu vanovaka dzimba dzemhingo: in districts in which lions and elephants roam, the people build houses whose walls are of woven laths.

Zanhi rinori ndere kutsauranisa chirevo, rino dorongotsa sipwi dzine matumidzo akafanana.
Kana kochekedzo yorukati yakuunzai pano, ringai matumidzo akadorongotswa pamusoro apo kuti muwane ramunoda uye mukwanise kuenda kwariri.