Mpanga izita remhuri rinowanikwa muMalawi.

  • Vanhu vane zita iri: Jean Mpanga; Annie Mpanga; Blessings Mpanga; Ariel Mpanga.

Mitauro yeAfrika chinjirudza

Pano panyorwa mazwi ari pedyo nezita iri kune mimwe mitauro yeAfrica, asi zvinoreva zita zvigona kusiyana zvachose nemazwi ari pasi aya. Pane tarisiro yekuti mamwe mazwi emitauro yeAfrika anotodzana.

  • Swahili inoti mpango (1. arrangement, apportionment, classification, order; list, plan; program, platform, constitution). Ko kuti structure?
  • Lugwere inoti mupango kana mipango (arrangement, deal - arrangement between parties that fixes the obligations of each party).
  • Lugwere inoti kukola mupango (make an arrangement, agree a deal; conceive a plot or devise a scheme).
  • Lugwere inoti mpanga (n. arrangement, sequence, order). Bemba inoti mpanga (n. District, country).