Mushure (after, behind, place behind the back).
Mamwe Mazwi
chinjirudzaMazwi eBantu
chinjirudza- Tonga vanoti musule (behind) kureva mushure. Luganda vanoti nyuma (behind) vachireva kushure kana mushure.
- Yao inoti panyuma kana panyuma pa (after; behind) kureva kushure kana mushure.
- Maconde vanoti nyuma kana vyanda (n. back) zvichireva kumashure. Nande vanoti nyuma (n. behind, after) zvichireva kumashure.
- Kalanga inoti i kamba (back of the body) kureva kumusana. Lenje inoti sule (Back, back side, back part; behind, at the back, in rear, backwards).