Chitonda izita rinowanikwa muZambia neMalawi.

Mitauro yeBantu chinjirudza

Pano panyorwa mazwi ari pedyo nezita iri kune mime mitauro yeChiBantu, asi zvinoreva zita zvigona kusiyana zvachose nemazwi ari pasi aya.

  • Lenje vanoti tonda (v. point with finger; point at; point out, show; aim at) kureva kutendeka.
  • Venda vanoti tonda (v. treat with care) kureva kubata zvakanaka.
  • Kimbundu vanoti utonda kana kutonda (n. praise, applaud) kureva rumbidzo. Luganda inoti tonda (to create) kureva kusika.
  • Lugwere inoti kutonda (v. mould; form in clay or wax by pouring into a cast or mould).
  • Kikongo inoti tonda (praise, commend, thank, approve, extol, gratitude, thankfulness, love, affection; to approve of, be satisfied with, consider fit or sufficient, like, esteem, be pleased with, admire).
  • Kinande inoti eritonda (v. arrange in order). Mamwe mazwi: Chitonda (n. God - The arranger - one who puts things in order).
  • MaZulu vanoti tonda (v. Stand) kureva kumira. Kirundi inoti gutonda (line up; to stand in line) kureva kumira mudungwe.