Chinyorwa chino chakaunganidza mazwi anopera nechivakamberi chekuti ndara.

Kurerutsa Mutauro chinjirudza

  • Tezvara akati chanjandara, mombe ibonga: the father-in-law refused to budge an inch because the full number of cattle had not been paid.

Mitauro yeAfrika chinjirudza

  • VaBukusu vanoti Liikhumi naa ndala (n. Eleven) kureva gumi nerimwe. VaWanga vanoti ikhumi na ndala (n. eleven) kureva gumi neimwe.
  • VaWanga neVaBukusu vanoti ndala (one - the form used in counting). Sokuti abomunzu ndala (children of one woman).
  • VaSangho vanoti ndalo (n. substance of any item).
  • Zulgo inoti ndara (to, in the direction).