Gunundu Izita remhuri rinowanikwa muZimbabwe.
- Vanhu vane zita iri: Terence Gunundu, Cuthbert Gunundu, Ngoni Gunundu, Nicholas Gunundu, Rufaro Gunundu, Roderick Gunundu,Samuel Gunundu(Mutswunguma)
- Gunundu Izwi rokuti chikunundu rinoreva (stoop - in posture). Rega kuita chikunundu senguruve uchifamba. Do not walk with a stoop, with your nose down like a pig. The Gunundu tribe originated from the Sanyathi area then migrated to chiwundura then rosedale
Mitauro yeBantu
chinjirudzaPano panyorwa mazwi ari pedyo nezita iri kune mimwe mitauro yeChiBantu, asi zvinoreva zita zvigona kusiyana zvachose nemazwi ari pasi aya. Chinangwa ndechekutsvaga zvinoreva mazita, zvikurusei kana mazita aya asisiri kutaurwa mumutauro wemazuva ano.
- VaNgwo vanoti gunu (v. bend down, stoop, bow).
- MaZulu vanoti gununda (v. 1. Carry out, execute. 2. Take the point off - as from finger, ear, etc.).
- MaZulu vanoti ingunundu (n. Stumpy object, thing with the point off (as finger with tip off, broken-pointed spear, tailless fow) vachireva chimhini
- MaZulu vanoti umGunundu kana umiGunundu pakuwanda (n. A military regiment; Member of the regiment) vachireva nhengo yemawuto.