Kudungira, kutunga kana kutungira (string together) zvichireva kutungira chuma pashinda.

Mamwe Mazwi

  • Dungo (Big needle for sewing sacks).
  • Nhungo (poles used to form conical roof of a hut).
  • Mudungiro (String on which beads are strung together).

Mitauro yeBantu

  • Lugwere vanoti kutungira (do something in succession one after the other, straight, in a row, running or alternating). Mamwe mazwi: kutungirira (string into a series making a succession of things).
  • VaGwere vanoti ludungo kana ntungo pakuwanda (n. 1. series, sequence, progression. 2. queue, line up. 3. chain of events, course of events) kureva kutungamidzana?.
  • VaSwahili vanoti mtunga kana mtungaji (one who arranges, constructs, compiles, designs). Swahili vanoti mtunga kana mtungaji (inventor, designer).
  • Digo vanoti kutunga kana tunga (to put together, to arrange, to compose).