Kufumira kana kufuma (to wake up very early in the morning).
chinjirudza- Murume kufuma kubuda mumba kutumirira muromo. If a man leaves the house he wants to convey a message.
- Chirume kufumira pachimwe, kumuromo chakatakura. A man visiting another early in the morning must be (eager) to talk.
Mitauro yeBantu
chinjirudza- VaTonga neBaila vanoti kufuma (to be early astir; get up early; to start early on a journey) vachireva kufumira.
- Baila neVaLenje vanoti chifumo (early in the morning) vachireva chifumo. Ngala vanoti mbangu (adv. early).
- VaNyungwe vanoti kubesera kana kubeseraka (to wake up early) kureva kumukira.
- VaNyungwe vanoti bese (ideophone that means - to wake up early, to be at dawn) inyaudzosingwi inoreva kumukira.