Kusakura (to weed with a hoe) kutema sora nebadza.

  • Kubvuva, bvuvo kana bvuururo (1. Weed field with few weeds in it. 2. Weed for second or third time) apa kureva kusakura kechipiri kana kechitatu.

Mitauro yeBantu chinjirudza

  • MaZulu vanoti ukuhlakula (weeding) vachireva kusakura. Mamwe mazwi: umgidi wokuhlakula (the undertaking of weeding).
  • Yao vanoti kupalila (to hoe the weeds in the garden) kusakura sora. Nsenga vanoti kusakula (v. to weed the garden), kusakura.
  • VaFipa vanoti alu'sakula kana aku'sakula (v. weed) kureva kusakura.
  • Bavili vanoti sakulilë (v. to remove).