Kutsindira (to ram earth, to press down) zvinoreva kurovera ivhu pasi uchishandisa chinhu chinorema.
Mitauro yeBantu
chinjirudza- VaMambwe vanoti -sindila (press down as cereal in a bag) kureva kutsindira
- Baila vanoti ku shindila (to ram earth) kureva kutsindira ivhu. Baila vanoti ku shindaila (to ram earth into a hole, grain into a sack) kureva kutsindira ivhu kana chibage musaga.
- MaZulu vanoti sinda (Be heavy ; be too much for ; weigh heavily). Sokuti: umthwalo osindayo (a heavy load) kureva mutoro unorema.
- MaZulu vanoti sindana (v. Weigh heavily down ; be heavily built). Sokuti: Umuntu osindanayo akahambi kahle (A heavily built person does not travel well) .
- VaLenje vanoti shindika (push, thrust, press tight, press together) vachireva kutsindira. Mamwe mazwi songa (V. Press together, heap up, pile up, cram, give full measure) vachireva kutsindira.