Muchinyorwa chino shoko rokuti kututa (conveyance, carrying away) riri kushandiswa kutakura nhumbi kana midziyo kubva pazviri kuenda pane imwe nzvimbo.

Mitauro yeBantu

  • Nyanja inoti kututa (carry on one's head as a burden; take from one place to another; carry & deposit) kureva kututa. Mamwe mazwi: kututsa (cause to carry & deposit one's burden).
  • Lozi inoti mututo (n. habit of moving from one place to another) kureva kugarotuta. Mamwe mazwi: mututi (n. a person moving from one residence to another).
  • MaZulu vanoti thutheleka (Assemble, gather together at one place ; be collected at; stream along, flow into). lmifula ithutheleka elwandle. (Rivers stream towards the sea).
  • Zigula inoti kututa (carry in large numbers going back & forth; to load up; to haul). Mamwe mazwi: kututwa (taken in a large number of loads; loaded in large numbers).
  • MaZulu vanoti thutha (Carry away, convey, transport; transfer; evacuate; move house) kureva kututa. Mamwe mazwi: Intutho (n. Load; cargo; freight. 2. Transport).
  • Kimbundu inoti kututa (to charge; carry, transport). Sangho vanoti tuta (v. gather).