Kutya (Fear in English) imhepo inoratidzirwa nekufunga kwengozi inogona kuitika kana kutyisidzira kune yemuviri kana yepfungwa mamiriro, angave echokwadi kana ekufungidzira.
Kumbwenda kumbweka kana kukwata (tremble with fear).
- Mbwende kana gwara (coward) - apa kureva munhu anotya zvakanyanya. Mbwende inbatwa nembwendo.
- Mbwendo (Fear) apa kureva utyi.
- Kumbweta, kukwata kana kuweta (Fear greatly).
- Kuhuta (tremble).
- Madudumira (Act of shaking with fear). Duduma.
- dzamata (Become speechless through fear or excitement).
- Gokoshombwe kana magokoshombwe, Huge old person or animal (gen fearsome or wise).
- Kukwarama (Run away in fear, and keep on running, esp smaller animals)
- Kukaruka kana kuvhunduka (Be startled, shocked, l petrified (with fear).
- Jakacha (Move freely without fear).
- Goroondo kana makoroondo, Fearsome reptile of any kind (gen name).
Mamwe Mazwi
chinjirudza- Dengetera (Be in grip of powerful emotion e.g. fear) Shumba zvayakadzvova mangwanani, pasipakanga pava kudengetera kwazvo: a lion roared in the morning and every creature was as though spellbound.
- Chitekeshe (Fearsome person who deliberately smashes brittle objects). Kutekesha.
- Chinjiri (Fearsome animal, bogey - not really existing).
- Chidudu (1. Great fear. 2. Precipitate action).
- dzidzimuka (shudder, either from the cold or from seeing something unpleasant). Izwi iri rinotaurwa kuKalanga.
chinjirudzaMazwi eBantu
chinjirudza- Luganda vanoti okutya (fear) kureva kutya.
- VaGanda vanoti buti (fear) kureva kutya. VaSesotho vanoti tšabo (fear, dread).
- Barotse neMaZulu vanoti saba (to fear, to be afraid; have awe, respect) kureva kutya.
- VaGanda vanoti buti bukuru (great fear) kureva kutya kukuru.
- Lugwere inoti kutya ( fear, worry, revere, venerate; look up to, cower, recoil, shy away, feel a phobia, lack confidence, become timid) kureva kutya.