Kuwundura (to pluck a chicken's feathers) zvinoreva kudzura minhenga yehuku.

Mitauro yeAfrika

  • MaZulu vanoti wundu (ideophone 1. of pulling up, uprooting. 2. of grazing, cropping grass) inyaudzosingwi yekuwundura, kudzura kana kufura.
  • Zulu inoti wunduka (Come out; get uprooted, pulled up) - kuwunduka kana kudzupuka. Mamwe mazwi: wundula (pull out; uproot) kureva kuwundura.
  • Kabiye vanoti wʋndʋ kana hʋndʋ (1. bird feathers; 2. hair - human or animal; 3. peels of fruit or tubers; 4. peanut shells).
  • Kabiye vanoti wʋnɖʋʋ (v. shell; peel; strip) kureva kutongonora kana kumenya. Shilluk inoti funo (v. to pluck) kureva kuwundura.