Matongerwo enyika mubatanidzwa wezvidzidzo zvinoenderana nekuti nyika yofambiswa sei mberi, budiriro yenyika uye ongororo yezvinoitwa nehurumende dzepasi rese.

Shoko reEnglish rokuti politics rinotodzana neGreek yekuti politikos rinodudzirwa richinzi pertaining to public affairs, of the citizens, pertaining to the state and its administration. Zvakare kune izwi rekuti polis rinoreva city, guta. Rimwe izwi rokuti polity rinodudzirwa kunzi, particular form or system of government.

Mamwe Mazwi chinjirudza

  • Guta (city, a very large village, polis) zvichireva dhorobha.
  • Chita (confratenity, congregation, association, assembly, polity) zvichireva boka revanhu, sokuti chita chevarimi.
  • Gute (Act of surrounding, encircling) apa kureva kukuta kana kukomberedza. Vanhu vainge vakaita gute vachionekana naye: the people crowded round him to say farewell.
  • Kukutwa (to be surrounded) zvichireva kukomberedzwa.
  • Kukutuza (1. Acquire more than is one's share by cheating, 2. Defraud).
  • Gutuza izita rinowanikwa muZimbabwe.
  • Politicking (1. Activity directed towards acquiring power and influence, achieving one's own goals, etc; 2. political activity, esp seeking votes).

Mitauro yeBantu chinjirudza

  • VaDigo vanoti siasa (politics) vachireva matongerwo enyika.
  • Luganda vanoti eby’obufuzi (n. Politics) kureva matongerwo enyika. Munna by’obufuzi (n. Politics).