Matundu izita remhuri rinowanikwa kuKenya neDemocratic Republic of the Congo.

Mitauro yeAfrika chinjirudza

Pano panyorwa mazwi ari pedyo nezita iri kune mimwe mitauro yeAfrica, asi zvinoreva zita zvigona kusiyana zvachose nemazwi ari pasi aya. Pane tarisiro yekuti mitauro yeAfrika inotodzana mazwi.

  • Herero vanoti omatundu (n. ruins; heaps of rubbish; worthless matter). Mamwe mazwi: otyitundu (n. a forsaken village; ruins of a town).
  • Herero vanoti omutundu (n. universal, total, whole; the people all together; generally; bulk, mass; whole contents; corpse, body).
  • Herero vanoti omutundu (n. universally; wholly, totally; all of them - tribes).
  • Nsenga vanoti mtundu (n. kind, sort, quality). Shona inoti katundu (luggage; buggage).
  • Lubwisi vanoti etundu, matundu (n. Stomach).