Muchururu (overly dilute) zvinoreva chinhu chakaita mvura-mvura asi chichifanira kunge chakakorera. Sokuti akana muto wakanyanya umvura-mvura unenge uchinzi muchururu.
Mitauro yeBantu
chinjirudza- VaGwere vanoti bujuuluuki (n. diluteness; state of being reduced or lessened in strength, concentration, quality, purity, or flavour, of a solution or mixture) vachireva muchururu.
- VaGwere vanoti jululu (Var: juule. adj. overly dilute; thin and insipid) vachireva muchururu.
- VaGwere vanoti juule (adj. dilute, of juices and alcohol; reduced in strength or concentration, quality or purity).
- VaTaita vanoti kurunganya (to adulterate, to dilute, to mix).
- VaMambwe vanoti -songoloka (to be diluted, as beer, wine; to be too thin, too watery).
- VaMambwe neVaBemba vanoti -songolola (to dilute, thin out by adding more water).