Munengwa izita remhuri rinowanikwa muZimbabwe.

Mitauro yeBantu chinjirudza

Pano panyorwa mazwi ari pedyo nezita iri kune mime mitauro yeChiBantu, asi zvinoreva zita zvigona kusiyana zvachose nemazwi ari pasi aya. Chinangwa ndechekutsvaga zvinoreva mazita, zvikurusei kana mazita aya asisiri kutaurwa mumutauro wemazuva ano.

  • MaZulu vanoti nenga (Disgust, nauseate, offend; cause disgust). Sokuti: Kuyanginenga lohhu-kudta (This food upsets me).
  • MaZulu vanoti nengeka (1. Be nauseating, offensive, disgusting. 2. Be unsociable). Sokuti: Lomntwana uyanengeka kwabanye (This child is unsociable among others).
  • MaZulu vanoti nengwa (Be disgusted, offended, nauseated, annoyed.). Sokuti: Nginengwa yilo lelozwi njalo (That is the very statement which annoys me).
  • VaSwahili vanoti mtengwa (1. one who is separated/set apart. 2. one who is removed/dismissed. 3. one who is devoted to something - his work, a cause).
  • VaSwahili vanoti tenga (1. divide off, separate, split off. 2. delay, postpone. 3. put aside, remove, 4. dismiss, discharge from a position; 5. avert, prevent. 6. confiscate. 7. rel. excommunicate).

Mazita ari Pedyo chinjirudza