Mututo sezita
Magege izita remhuri rinowanikwa muNamibia, Kenya neZambia.
- Vanhu vane zita iri: Josphat Magege; Calvin Magege; Daniel Magege; Magege Kalaluka.
- Mazwi ari pedyo: kututa, Muchatuta sezita.
Mitauro yeAfrika
chinjirudzaPano panyorwa mazwi ari pedyo nezita iri kune mimwe mitauro yeAfrica, asi zvinoreva zita zvigona kusiyana zvachose nemazwi ari pasi aya.
- Nyanja inoti kututa (carry on one's head as a burden; take from one place to another; carry & deposit) kureva kututa. Mamwe mazwi: kututsa (cause to carry & deposit one's burden).
- Lozi inoti mututo (n. habit of moving from one place to another) kureva kugarotuta. Mamwe mazwi: mututi (n. a person moving from one residence to another).