Nyaudzosingwi H-K
Nyaudzosingwi A-G | Nyaudzosingwi H-K | Nyaudzosingwi M-P | Nyaudzosingwi R-U | Nyaudzosingwi V-Z
Peji rinori ndere nyaudzosingwi dzinotanga naH kusvika kuna K.
- handa handa kana kavaya kavaya (ideophone of Walking hurriedly) inyaudzosingwi inotaura kuhandaira kana kufamba uchikasira.
- hwiba (ideophone of Butting head-on).
- Hwimbu (ideophone of Sipping much liquid in one sip. 2. of Scooping greedily with finger. 3. of Taking in much grass when grazing.
- Kuhwimbura (Scoop food especially rupiza - with fingers greedily).
- hwingu (ideo 1. of Cutting deeply a hard object e.g. wire - with one blow of sharp blade. 2. of Seizing hold of something - e.g. leg of calf with one hand).
- hwipu (ideo 1. of Sipping from a spoon. 2. of Jerking. 3. of Pulling grass out of ground. 4. of Flicking with whip unintentionally. 5. of Pulling out e.g. pole).
- hwiru kana bwiru (ideophone of Going upwards quickly; of Tossing). Mwoyo wangu wakati hwiru: my heart is in my mouth.
- Kuhwirubura kana kuhwirudza (Jerk upwards. Whip up e.g. fish out of water). Unohwirudza chirauro kana nheme yanyudzwa: you whip your line out of the water when the float is pulled under.
- Kuhwiruka (Be or be able to be whipped or jerked upwards). Kune mutupo unonzi Nyakuhwiruka.
- Kuhwirura (1. Toss upwards. 2. Whip up e.g. fish out of water 3. Make to jump up).
- hwishu (ideo 1. of Cutting into short pieces with knife).
- Kuhwishura (Cut into short lengths - using knife).
- hwara, hwititi, hwiti kana kwetu (ideophone of Running as fast as possible). Kune zita remhuri rinonzi Mahwite.
- hwaradada kana hwa-a (ideophone of Being empty; 2. of Lacking completely). Musoro wake wakati hwaradada: he has nothing on his head. Kuhwaradadidza (Remove contents completely). Mhepo yakahwaradadidza miti mashizha: the wind has stripped the leaves from the trees. Kuhwaradadika (Be. or be able to be emptied, or stripped, completely). Makore anga avako ahwaradadika: the clouds that were in the sky have disappeared completely.
- hwarahwara (ideophone of Being wide open. 2. of Trotting).
- hwarahwashu kana vharavhazhu. (ideophone of Making startled movement). Kuhwarahwashudza kana kuvhurumutsa (Waken suddenly. 2. Startle). Kuhwarahwashuka, kupatika,kuparapatika (Waken suddenly. 2. Be startled).
- hwarara (ideophone of Being empty). Mumba makati hwarara: there is no one in the house. Kuhwararadza, kudzinga kana kutanda (Expel. Cause to go out from somewhere - of people, animals).
- hwarara (ideophone of Bowing low in a kneeling position. Kuhwarara (Bow low in kneeling position; 2. Bow, or kneel, to greet).
- hwata bwata (ideophone of Walking stealthily).
- hwata (ideophone of Crouching quickly. Kuhwata (Crouch quickly). Kuhwataira kana kubwataira (Walk in a half-crouching position. 2. Walk stealthily).
- hwatata (ideophone of Crouching quickly. 2. of Lying face down. Imbwa yakati simu hwatata, sima hwatata: the dog jumped up and crouched down, jumped up again and again crouched down. Kuhwatata kana kuhwata (Crouch). Kubwataura (Proceed in a crouching posture).
- hwava kana dhu (ideophone of Finishing). Handina nemari yose ndakangoti hwa va: I haven't any money at all.
- hwazha (ideophone of Grinding a small amount). Ingonditi kadzinda hwazhu hwazhu: please grind this little handful of grain for me. Kuhwazhadza (Make to grind a small amount). Kuhwazhaka kana kuwadzura (Be, or be able to be ground (small amount). Kuhwazhara (Grind small amount).
- hwitikwiti kana ware (ideophone of Turning over and over in the air e.g. thrown stick; 2. of Running away as fast as possible). Kuhwitikwitsa kana kuhwitikwidza.
- Jadara kana dedema (ideophone of Lying on back).
- Kujadaridza (1. Turn over on back. 2. Turn upside down) zvichireva kupidigura. Jadaridza hamba kuti irege kufamba.
- Kujadarika (Roll from side to side). Kune zita remhuri rinonzi Majadire.
- jada (ideophone 1. of Falling sideways. 2. of Cutting soft object with an axe). Akati jadu kagwira pasi: he fell down sideways.
- Kujaduka (Fall sideways).
- jekenye kana jekenyu (ideophone of Feeling quite at home).
- Jekenyedza kana jekenyudza (1. Make to feel at peace. 2. Awaken lust- stir up passion). Jekenyuka.
- Jekenyeka (Feel at peace).
- jekenyeke (ideophone of Being visible).
- jekese kana rivata (ideophone of Beginning together - many). Ngatiti pabasa jekese: let us begin the work together.
- jekete (ideophone of Enjoying the company of others - especially in eating). Kurima piriva piriva, kudya jekete: when there is work to be done few people turn up, but for eating they swarm.
chinjirudza- kwamanya (ideophone of Showing humiliation or shame in way of walking).
- kwambanda (ideophone of Lying prone (esp in stalking prey; 2. of Collapsing as one does who faints) kana rabada. Shumba yakati parutivi penzira kwambanda: a lion lay in wait at the side of the path. Kukwambandidza (Make to fall inertly). Kwambandika (Fall loosely, inertly). Imbwa yakwambandika: the dog has fainted.
- kwangwangwa (ideophone of Giving attention, of Paying attention. 2. of Protruding; 3. of Waiting for something - animal or person with big ears). Taiti kwangwangwa tose ambuya vachiita rungano: we were all ears when grandmother was telling a story. Mamwe mazwi:
- Kukwangwara (ideophone of Exposing what should be covered e.g. seeds). Kukwangwaridza (Expose what should be covered e.g. planted seed; Reveal - planted seed, anything hidden). Kukwangwarika (Be exposed, revealed especially buried object; 2. Jut out). Kukwangwamara.
- kwangwangwa kana kwangwama (ideophone of Giving attention, of Paying attention. 2. of Protruding; 3. of Waiting for something - animal or person with big ears). Taiti kwangwangwa tose ambuya vachiita rungano: we were all ears when grandmother was telling a story.
- kwangwava (ideophone of Standing aloof). Kukwangwavadza (Make to stand aloof). Kukwangwavara (Stand aloof).
- kwangwazhi (ideophone of Losing strength : (person or animal).
- kwangwazhi kwangwazhi (ideophone of Walking weakly - very thin person or animal). Kukwangwazhika (Become emaciated; 2. Walk as very thin person or beast does) zvichireva kuperezeka.
- kweba kweba (ideo, see kwebede kwebede; 2. Make to walk gingerly). Kukwebaira (Walk gingerly) Kukwevaira.
- kwebede (ideophone of Being loose e.g. peg in sledge). kana kuti ngwende ngwende.
- kwebede kwebede (ideophone of Walking tiredly. Kukwebededza kana Kukwebaidza (Cause to become loose e.g. peg in sledge). Kukwebedeka kana kukwedaira (Become loose e.g. nut peg in sledge, 2. Walk tiredly).
- kwebu (ideophone of Flicking. 2. of Being at a loss - tuzu;. 3. Z of Opening by or with force - kwabu) Akamutipachirebvu kwebu: he chucked (flicked) him under the chin. -kwebuka [H]Z v i Be, or be able to be, opened by force. -kwebura E]Z v t Open by or with force.
- kwebva kwebva, tsitsiva tsitsiva kana kunzvenda-nzvenda (ideophone of Walking under a heavy load especially on head). Kukwebvatidza (Cause to sway when walking - carrying a heavy load). Kukwebvawa (Walk carrying a heavy load). .
- kwebve (ideophone of Being flabby (person or animal). Ane dumbu rakati kwebve: he has a flabby stomach. Kukwebvedza (Make flabby - person or animal). Kukwebveka (Become flabby - person or ammal).
- kweche kweche (ideophone of Rattling e.g. loose mudguard).
- kweche kweche (ideophone of Rustling in dry undergrowth e.g. mice). gwenjere.
- kwechere kwechere (ideo, see kweche kweche) Kukwecheredza (Make to rattle e.g. old bike). Kukwechereka Rattle e.g. old car).
- kwechu kana kwicho (ideophone of Catching fugitive; 2. of Wrenching out e.g tooth). Kukwechura (Catch fugitive; Wrench off or out) zvichireva kugwejenura.
- kweda kweda (ideophone of Walking shame facedly). Kukwedaira (Walk shame-facedl)y.
- Kukwezvaira kana kukwedaira (Walk tiredly) kuerva kukwebedeka.
- kwede (ideophone of Entering easily. 2. of Fitting. 3. of Securing e.g. door). Akati mudziva kwede: he slipped into the pool.
- kwedeba kwedeba (ideophone of Walking tiredly) Kukwedebadza kana kukwebededza, kukwedebara kukwedaira.
- kwedzva kwedzva (ideophone of Acting lazily). Akati kwedzea kwedzva kufamba: he walked lazily. Kukwedzvaidza (Slacken muscles). Anokwedzvaidza maoko pakurima: he makes his arms slack when he is ploughing. Kukwedzvaika (Act, or move, lazily). Anokwedzvaika kufamba: he walks lazily. Kukwedzvaira.
- kwegu (ideophone of Growing old; age). Kukwegudza (Age. Cause to grow old). Murume uyo akaramba mukadzi waakakwegudza: that man divorced the wife who had grown old in rearing his children. Kukwegura kana kuchembera (Grow old). Ini ndakwegura, amai vangu vachamhanya: I am grown old but my mother still looks young.
- kwekwema (ideophone of Dreading. Akati kunze kwomusha kwekwema: he stood outside the village afraid to enter.
- kwekwema kwekwema (ideophone of Approaching timidly). Mamwe Mazwi: kukwekwemadza (1. Cause to dread. 2. Bewilder so that person knows not where to go). Kukwekwemara (Dread. 2. Be bewildered).
- kwekwere (ideophone of Dragging something towards oneself. 2. of Reaching, or drooping, to the ground). Mamwe Mazwi: kukwekweredza, kukwekwereka (Drag along the ground an object that leaves a mark; 2. Drag heavy object along ground noiselessly).
- kwekwerere, kukururu, nzvenzverere (ideophone of Dragging dry object over hard ground; 2. of Trailing draped blanket; 3. of Dragging object that makes wide mark e.g branch, wet hide). Mamwe Mazwi: kukwekweretsa kana kukekeredza Drag an object that leaves a mark).
- kwekwetu (ideophone of Sucking up nosily. 2. of Drinking up completely). Mamwe mazwi: kukwekwetudza, kukwekweta kukwekwetuka kana kukwekwetura (Be, or be able to be drunk up completely; 2. Be, or be able to be, sucked up noisily).
- kwenha kwenna (ideophone of Showing disappointment or dejection - especially by way of walking; 2. of Walking without a weapon - related men). Mamwe mazwi: Kukwenhaidza, (Take away emblem of male dignity e.g. axe; 2. Degrade. 3. Cause to show disappointment by way of walking).
- kwenjere (ideophone of Being very dry). Kwenjere kana gwenjere (Very dry, brittle object e.g. maize stalk). Kukwenjeredza (Cause to become very dry). Kukwenjereka (Become very dry (grass, stick).
- kwerere kana sesepu (ideophone of Having smooth consistency). Dovi rakanyatsoti kwerere: the groundnut butter is of a really fine consistency.
- kwereva kana nengesva (ideophone of Standing pensively, perplexed). Mamwe Mazwi: kukwerevadza kana kukangaidza (Perplex, bewilder, Disconcert). Akandikwerevadza nokundibvutira badza panhimbe: he disconcerted me by snatching the hoe from my hand at the hoeing bee. Kukwereveka, kudziyana kana kutuzuka (Be disconcerted, perplexed, at a loss).
- kwerevese (ideophone of Squeezing oneself through a narrow or difficult entrance.
- kweru, bveru, tsvaru (ideophone of Scratching lightly).
- kwetsemu kana kwa (ideophone of Slapping head or face). Mazmwe Mazwi: kukwetsemura kana kukwamura (Slap head or face; Smack).
- kwesva kwesva (ideophone of Showing dejection by way of walking). Mamwe Mazwi: kukwesvaidza (Cause to appear shamefaced). Kukwessaira (Walk dejectedly, shamefacedly. Show disappointment by way of walking. Show effects of hunger by way of walking).
- kwesvenga kana kwesvu (ideophone of Being nonplussed). Imbwa yakasara yangoti kwesvenga, tsuro ichienda: the dog was nonplussed at seeing the hare get away. Kukwesvengeka kana kukwenhaira (Be disconcerted, nonplussed).
- kwesva (ideophone of Being nonplussed). Kukwesvaka kana kukwesvengeka.
- kwete kana kwede (ideophone of Entering easily; 2. of Fitting into something).
- kwete kwete kana dzungu dzungu (ideophone of Shaking head ; (gen in denial). Kukwetekwedza kana kudzungudza (Shake head in disagreement).
- kwesere (ideophone of Being equal in weight. 2. of Having smooth consistency; 3. of Fitting e.g. snake entering hole). Nguwani yakati kwesere: the hat fits. Kukweseredza (Fit. Make to fit). Kweseredza rwanga muchikwepa: fit the stem into the pipe. Kukwesereka (Fit) kana kuringana.
- kwese (ideophone of Starting, or taking up, something (generally work) whole-heartedly and energetically).
- kwidzi kwidzi (ideophone of Being black and glossy). Kwidzima (Be black and glossy).
- kwidzingwi (ideophone of Reflecting e.g. water reflecting sky). Dziva rakati kwidzingwi: the pool is blue.
- kwidzima kana tukushu (ideophone of Being silent - malevolently, or seeming so).
- kwindi (ideophone of Slamming e.g. door). 2.of Being dark (deep shade, room, night). 3. of Sitting or standing aggressively. 4. of Sitting malevolently. Akati gonhi kwindi: he slammed the door. Wakati kwindi munzira yangu: you stood rigidly (to provoke me to fight) in my path. Kukwindidza (Slam door. 2. Strike resounding blow (on back or belly). 3. Pound e.g. with fist on table).
- kwindima (ideophone of Being pitiless, unfeeling. 2. of Looking sad). Mamwe Mazwi: kukwindimadza (Harden heart). Muroyi anozvikwindimadza: a witch hardens her heart. Kukwindimara kana kutsindimara Be hard-hearted, pitiless).
- kwindingwi (ideophone of Being overcast. Ona rima kuti kwindingwi mwene sokuchanaya: see how overcast it is as though it were going to rain.
- kwindingwi kwindingwi (ideophone of Beating medium-sized drum). Mamwe Mazwi: kukwindingwsidza (Beat mediumsized-drum). Kukwindingwika (Be, or be able to be, beaten -drurn).-
- kwingwi kana nyaranyandu (ideophone of Raising hackles).
- kwingwiri kana gwiri (ideophone of Setting out on journey.
- kwingwiri (ideophone of Forming a rise. 2. of Running fast especially small animal; 3. Being straight e.g. path). Tarisa chikomo icho chakati kwingwiri: look at that small hill that rises abruptly and stretches for a long way. Kwingwiri (Narrow ridge or narrow rise that stretches a considerable distance). Kukwingwiridza (Build a ridge).
- kwerede, shute kana kwerendende (ideophone of Thickening suddenly - especially something being cooked). Akapamhidza upfu, bota ndokuti kwerede: she added mealie-meal and the porridge became thicker. Ndawanikidza mapfeni akati murwi wezviyo kwerede ose notwana: I found all the baboons and their young gathered round the heap of grain.
- kweredede (ideo, of Thickening to an even consistency).
- kwerendende (ideophone of Thickening to an even consistency. 2. of Moving (many people or animals). Vakati kwerendende mudungwe: they moved in single file. Akakurunga dovi rikasara rangoti kwerendende: she stirred the groundnut butter till it was of a smooth and even consistency.
- Kombe (ideophone of Encircling, surrounding, or of Intercepting - e.g. cattle).
- Kombe (ideophone of Bending into a useful shape).
- kombo (ideophone of 1. Giving self; 2. of Being prolific). Hove dzati kombo muusvasvi hwangu: the fish just walked into my net.
- kombwe kana kombweshe (ideophone of Being concave in shape).
- kondo (ideophone of Feeling repugnance, disappointment, frustration). Akanzi nechinya kondo pamusana penzombe yakaramba kurima: he was thoroughly fed up over the ox that refused to plough. Kukondodza (Cause to feel repugnance, disappointment, frustration).
- kondoma (ideophone of Sitting sulkily). Kukondomadza (Make to sit sulkily. Dress up as scarecrow). Gondo rakazvikondomadza pachigutsa: a hawk that had found no prey perched sulkily on a stump.
- kondono (ideophone of Acting halfheartedly). Kukondonoka (Act half-heartedly).
- kota (ideophone of Bending forwards).
- kota kota (ideophone of Grazing quietly; 2. of Bending and busying selves).
- koto koto (ideophone of Flowing audibly e.g. streamlet).
- kotono (ideophone of Assembling or dispersing). Kukotonodza (Cause a general assembly or dispersal).
- kunundu (ideophone of walking quickly lost in thought). Kukununduka kana kukunundika.