Gomba seDzitsi
Chinyorwa chino chiri kuunganidza mazwi ana gomba kana gombe sedzitsi.
- Hombarume kana chikombarume (strong man, man of valour).
- Kukomberwa (Infect seriously, to be weakened). Murume wenyu akakomberwa nechirwere: your husband is seriously infected by the sickness.
- -gombera (to make weak). Apa panogona kubva zita rokuti Gombera.
- Kugombedza (1. Intercept. 2. Struggle with another for possession of an object. 3. Weaken especially at knees).
- Gombedzanwa kana magombedzanwa (Plaything; sport; butt; to compete for a thing),
- Kugomba (Feel need of. Fail to obtain) zvinoreva kushaya.
- Munyori akaitwa gombedzanwa nasachigaro nasahomwe: the secretary became the sport of the chairman and urer.
- Kugombedzeka (Hint. Complain mildly).
- Murwendo akagomberwa mabvi nenzara: the traveller was weak at the knees from hunger.
- Gombe, gombwe kana gongwa (influential person, very rich man, big or important person).
Kurerutsa Mutauro
chinjirudza- Baba naamai havafaniri kugombedza mwana: mother and father should not vie with each other for the affection of their child.
- Uya undigombedze mhuru ndichikama: come and keep the calf away while I am milking.
- Heino nhabvu, uyai mugombedzane: here is a ball, try to take it from each other.
- Murwendo akagomberwa mabvi nenzara: the traveller was weak at the knees from hunger.
Kuumba Mazwi
chinjirudzaKuturikira valence - izwi iri rinoshandiswa kuChemistry richireva the quality that determines the number of atoms or groups with which any single atom or group will unite chemically kana kuti combining power of an element relative to the standard hydrogen atom. Izwi iri rakaumbwa kubva kuLatin inoti valentia kureva Strength or capacity.
Takatarisa kuShona tinonzwa izwi rokuti hombarume rinoreva strong man. Izwi rokuti gombwe rinoreva rich, influential man. Saka ipapa pane kutodzana nezvinorehwa nezwi rokuti valence kana valency.
- Pano mazwi anoti Hukombe hweNhangande ari kuturikira chinonzi valence of an element kana valency of an element kuChemistry.
- Mazwi anoti Chiungo cheMagombenyina, Chipfundo cheMagombenyina, kana chipfundo chemagombenyina ari kuturikira Covalent Bond.
- Mazwi anoti hombarume, chikombarume kana gombarume ari kuturikira valiant or man of valour.
- Invalid inokwanisa kuturikirwa ichinzi mugomberwi kureva munhu akomberwa nechirwere.