Harahwa (kureva old man; older aged man) kana harabwa, uye futi mutana zvinoreva murume achembera tingati asaruka zvokuva nemakore ari murumana rwemakumi masere (70) zvichikwira. Maonero anosiyana pakuti harahwa ndiani.
Mamwe Mazwi
chinjirudza- Mutana, chitatarara.
- Dana, chitole kana goka.
- Muchembere kana chembere (Old woman).
chinjirudza- Kwava kusakara kwedoo kuita serisakambodyiwa nyama. It is the wear and tear of a hide that makes it (appear) as if it had never encased meat. It is the aging of a fishing trap as if meat was never consumed from it. Duwo, is fishing trap usually thrown into a river. When it wears out it rusts and the plastic covering it becomes tattered.
- Bvupa jena rakabva munyama. A white bone stems from meat.
- Chinokwegura chinokotama, musoro wegudo chave chinokoro. What gets old gradually bends, the head of a baboon is a scoop.
- Kukwegura kunotanga meso mukarirano. Old age begins by 'passing the buck' with the eyes.
- Ishungu dzomutana waswera padare kuramba nemhandire seane meno.
Mitauro yeBantu
chinjirudza- BaKalanga vanoti buhwola (position of seniority; adulthood) vachireva husharukwa hwemunhu. BaKalanga vanoti hola (elder, grown-up, senior) vachireva munhu musharukwa.
- VaGwere vanoti mukaire (old person) rinoreva munhu achembera; kana vawanda voti bakaire. KuChishona tinoti mukare kana vakare uureva vang vakararama munguva dzekare.
- VaYao vanoti kola umi (live, live happily; be healthy, to be well) vachireva kurarama kana kuva mutano.
- VaYao vanoti -a kola (ancient. with class prefix) vachireva mutana. fananidzai nokuti pfunda hora kana tsvimborume hora?
- VaSwahili vanoti mkale kana wakale (ancestor, forebear, ancient).
- VaWabo vanoti mwanakalaba (old person) rinotodzana nokuti kalaba (old person) zvichireva harahwa.