Kubva (to come from, to come out, to emerge) zvinodudza kubuda panogara chinhu kana munhu.
Kurerutsa Mutauro
chinjirudza- Munobva kupi? Where do you come from?
- Akabva asvika panguva iyoyo? He arrived at that very same time or he emerged at that very same time.
- Chibviriro chandakaita kumusha handisati ndambonwa doro. Ever since I came from home, I have not drank beer
Mazwi Anotodzera
chinjirudza- Mabvazuva (East - where the sun comes from).
- Mubvamaropa (a type of tree. Literary - from where comes blood).
- Mubvakure (a foreigner; one who comes from far away).