Shoko rokuti kuchinjika (across, transverse in English) rinotaurwa kana chinhu chakarariswa chichitevedza hwasha kwete hurefu kana hukwidza. Somuenzaniso mahwere anovhariswa padanga remombe anotsvetwa akachinjika musuwo wedanga. Bhiriji rinoyambuka rwizi rakachinjika.

Kurerutsa Mutauro


Mamwe mazwi


Kurerutsa Mutauro

  • Mfundisi akachinjika mawoko ake achinamatira vachati: the Pastor crossed his hands when he prayed for the bride and groom.

Mitauro yeBantu

  • VaMambwe vanoti -cingama (to be placed cross-wise, to lie across) vachireva kuchingama.
  • VaMambwe vanoti -cinganya (to lay across, crosswise) vachireva kuchingama.
  • VaMambwe vanoti kupendama (to screen, protect, shelter, shade, come between) vachireva kudzivira.
  • VaSwahili vanoti kingama (be between, be in the way; cut across, intersect).