Hwiridza chavaridzi chisina ronda: return other people's property undamaged.
Akandihwiridzira shure: he sent me back.
Hwirira kumusha kwako: go back home.
Mangwanani ose hwiriri dzinosvika Harare namadomasi: every morning people who will return home in the evening arrive in Harare with tomatoes for sale.
Anohwiriroraura maakambobata hove: he fishes again in the pool where he caught fish before.
Hwiriri yauya: the wanderer has returned.
Vaka hwiridzirana: they took revenge on one another.
Vasevenzi vanohwiropinda basa kwavakambenge vachengetwa zvakanaka: workmen return to work at the place where they were looked after well.
Gwiri kana kwingwiri (ideo of Starting to follow a spoor. 2. of Setting out on a Journey).
Spoor (1. The track or scent of an animal - noun; 2. follow the track or scent of (an animal or person - verb).
Kupamha ; kupamhidzira; kuita zve; kurudzura; kupamhurura (from beginning); sima, kusirimidza (same thing continually).
Ruth 1:8 , Endai muhwirire umwe ngaumwe wenyu kumhatso yamai enyu. (kubva muBhaibheri reChiNdau ).
Rabhani wakabvapo, akahwirira kanyi kwake: Then Lavan left and returned to his own place. (Genesis 31:55 , Bhaibheri reChiNdau ).
VaGwere vanoti kwirira (go and return the same day) kureva kuhwirira.
Mururimi rweLugwere vanoti kwirula (plough a second time).
VaYao vanoti kuwilisya (to repeat) vachireva kudzokorora kana kuhwiridza .
VaYao vanoti kuwilingala (to repeat in close succession) vachireva kudzokorora zvakatevedzana.
VaYao vanoti luwila (the second time of hoeing) vachireva kusakura kechipiri.