Mwenezi inzvimbo iri kumaruwa eMasvingo Province.

Mitauro yeBantu chinjirudza

  • Swahili inoti mwenezi (one who distributes or bestows). Mamwe mazwi: Mwenyezi (possessor of power) kureva mwene wemasimba.
  • Swahili inoti mwenyeji, mwenye kana mwenyi (owner, proprietor; master of the house, host) kureva mwene.
  • VaMambwe vanoti mweneco (the owner, master). VaGulu vanoti mwenyieji (native).
  • Swahili vanoti mwenyeji (native, resident, inhabitant) chizvara chepo. Mwenenzi (traveller, passer-by). Digo vanoti mwenyezi.
  • Zigula vanoti mwenyezi (n. host, head of the household). Kikuyu inoti mwenethi (n. proprietor) kureva mwene.
  • Kikongo inoti muene-nsi (n. ruler of land, head of state). Kimbundu vanoti muenexi (n. sovereign; lord of the land; King. Derived from muene-ixi).