Duala mutauro weBantu unowanikwa kuCameroon.
- Duala vanoti angwa (v. shoot, throw away, launch). Mamwe mazwi: angwa (v. maize beer) kureva doro rakabikwa nechibage.
- Duala vanoti bale (v. to marry, give a wife in marriage) kureva kuroora.
- Duala vanoti banda (v. press, squeeze, lower, load).
- Duala vanoti bangwa (v. to sew) kureva kusona.
- Duala vanoti bojaja (the sitting attitude). Mamwe mazwi: mbasa (n. cross).
- Duala vanoti boka (v. to found, to create, to organize, to lay the foundations, to fix oneself, to establish).
- Duala vanoti bonda (v. form, create, forge).
- Duala vanoti bongo (n. brain, intelligence) kureva huropi kana huchenjeri.
- Duala vanoti bunga (v. get fat, do something big).
- Duala vanoti bwam (adj. goodness, right, beauty, good).
- Duala vanoti bwambo (adj. the language, the controversy, the trial, palaver, talkative).
- Duala vanoti bwambi (adj. hardness, severity, difficulty).
- Duala vanoti bwanga (n. medicine, object with magic power, charm, remedy) kureva hwanga.
- Duala vanoti bwanga (n. chest) kureva chipfuva.
- Duala vanoti bwema (v. catch, attack, the hunt, the beaten) kureva kurwisa.
- Duala vanoti byokoto (adj. the state of liquid porridge).
- Duala vanoti dange (n. the extreme limit visible from the sea, the horizon) kureva jengadenga.
- Duala vanoti dangwa (n. to walk, to go, to travel) kureva kufamba.
- Duala vanoti dembele (v. bend) kureva kukombamisa.
- Duala vanoti mulonga (n. bucket) kureva chirongo.
- Duala vanoti i-non (n. bird) kureva shiri. IsiNdebele vanoti inyoni.
- Duala vanoti onga (v. add, lengthen).
- Duala vanoti paka (v. to exceed, to be too much).
- Duala vanoti pembe (n. white earth, lime, chalk) kureva dhaga jena.
- Duala vanoti pembele (v. speaks distinctly, clearly).
- Duala vanoti pembele (v. that the word is clear, distinct) kureva shoko rakajeka.
- Duala vanoti sango kana masango (n. inheritance; the property).
- Duala vanoti sawa (v. adjust, arrange, cut well).
- Duala vanoti sengwe (n. to sift, sift, filter) kureva kusefa.
- Duala vanoti tongome (v. to be inclined, inclined, oblique).
- Duala vanoti tonge (v. lower, tilt, pour).
- Duala vanoti tumba kana matumba (n. tribe, clan, the region inhabited by a tribe).
- Duala vanoti yamba (v. to spread, to spread out, to expand).
- Duala vanoti yambise (v. spread).
- Duala vanoti weletete (ideophone for white) inyaudzosingwi inodudza huchena.