Mutota izita rinowanikwa muZimbabwe, Namibia neZambia.

Mitauro yeBantu

  • Taabwa vanoti kutota (v. sting, prick, bite). Takwane vanoti tota kubata hove nemambure.
  • MaZulu vanoti thotha (Place closely together, pack tightly; bind tightly together). VaMaconde vanoti kutota kureva kusona.
  • Kirundi inoti gutota (go along right in path of animals; to not be side tracked) kuronda mwanza wemhuka.
  • Kikongo inoti tota; totama (to add, put together, to be added; to be put together). Mamwe mazwi: totama (to accord, harmonise, be alike).
  • Bushong inoti lutota (n. noise, disturbance, confusion, trouble, quarrel, row, tumult wrangle, wrangling, uproar, riot, sound of noise, fuss).
  • Bushong inoti lutota (n. hubbub, speech, language dialect). Kikongo inoti totama (to accord, harmonise, be alike).