Huswa kana nduwe (grass) zvinoreva madzinde anomera ane mashizha matete. Huswa hwakakosha kuchengeta ivhu kuti risakukurwa nemvura inoyerera pavhu kana mhepo inovhuvhuta. Huswa hunopawo mafuro (chokudya) kuzvipfuyo nemhuka dzesango.
- Chiraro (Area of thick grass).
- Chimhovhora (Tall, young grass not yet in flower).
- Mbawa ( type of grass; Rhynchelytrum repens) apa kureva mhando yehuswa hunonzi bhurakwacha.
- Zitsinzinzi kana matsotsi (stump of grass after fire).
- Mwenje (thatch; grass) apa kureva huswa kururimi rweChiNdau. Kune dhamu rekuChiweshe Mashonaland Central rinonzi Mwenje Dam.

Mamwe Mazwi
chinjirudza- Mwari wakati, Nyika ngaimere mwenje nemiriwo inobereka mbeu, miti inobereka michero: God said, “Let the earth put forth grass, seed-producing plants, and fruit trees... (Genesis 1:11 Bhaibheri reChiNdau).
- Asi siya guri nenzinde dzawo mumavhu, rinebhande resimbi nethusi, munduhwe yomushango: But let the stump and its roots, bound with iron and bronze, remain in the ground, in the grass of the field.(Daniel 4:15 Bhaibheri reChiNdau).
- Chihwa kana ruhwa (n. Blade of grass).