(runangakatsva kubva kuMichero)
Muchero (fruit) inhengo inoberekwa nedzinde inotakura mbeu dzedzinde. Muchero ungava unodyiwa nevanhu kana usingadyiwe. Miyenzaniso yemichero inosanganisira mahobo (banana paChirungu), matohwe, maonde,matamba, hute, maroro, hacha, tsubvu, nhengeni ndidzo tsvanzva, sekesa, nhunguru, mazhanje zvichingodaro.
- Chitsoko chikore, chimhimbi, chimhiko zvinoreva chitsumbu chemuchero wakadai semuzambiringa, tsambati kana mimwewo inokura iri zvitsumbu.
- Dumbu (bunch of flowers - arranged).
- Ganga zvinoreva muchero usina kuibva. Mazhanje aya achiri maganga musamadya. Akatora ganga renwiwa akapa mombe.
- Mbune (well ripe fruit) kureva muchero wakanyatsa kuibva.

Michero yesango inotengeswa muZimbabwe inosanganisira: mazhanje; mawuyu; nemasawu.
Mamwe Mazwi
chinjirudza- Muti uyu unobereka mazhanje makuru - this tree produces big mazhanje.
- Chikore, chingore kana chimotso zvinoreva tsumbu remichero.
- Chibereko (product or produce, noun).
- Kunyutsa, kubudisa (produce - verb).
- Detsudza (Make to be very productive). Fetiraiza inodetsudza munda: fertilizer makes a land productive.
- Detsura (Be very productive). Gore rino mbesanwa dzakadetsura kubereka: this all crops have borne well.
- Kukaya kana kuchera (to pick fruit, 2. pluck or gather vegetables etc.) zvichireva mutants mururimi rweChiNdau. Makaya izita remhuri.
chinjirudza- Muchero wakurumbira wakuva. A fruit that is plentiful is already out of season.
- Muchero wejiri hauvimbwe nawo. The fruit of the loquat tree cannot be relied upon.
- Muchero wesango hauvimbwe nawo. The fruit of the forest cannot be relied upon.
- Tenda chaunacho, chesango hachisiri chako. Be grateful for what you have; that in the forest is not yours.
- Hapana muchero usina masvisvinwa. There is no fruit without pulp which has to be spat out.
- Ronzai kune vakarurama, kuti zvinozovanakira, ngokuti vanozodya michero yezviito zvavo: Tell the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings. (isaiah 3:10, Bhaibheri reChiNdau).
Mitauro yeBantu
chinjirudza- VaRwanda vanoti bisi (fresh) kureva mbishi. Maconde vanoti shepo (n. fruit) kureva muchero. VaLuba vanoti tshimuma (n. fruit) kureva muchero.
- VaLenje neBaila vanoti muchelo (fruit) kureva muchero. Kikuyu vanoti mbiru (n. fruit) kureva muchero.
- Barotse vanoti siselo (n. natural product; anything gathered, found or gained) kureva muchero.
- VaWanga vanoti eshiamo (fruit) rinotaurwa kureva muchero.VaGanda vanoti byamiti kana chamiti (fruit) kureva muchero.
- VaKongo vanoti bundu (n. bud, fruit). VaZigula vanoti tunda kana matunda (fruit) kureva muchero.
- VaFwe vanoti eciango (fruit) kureva muchero. VaFwe vanoti lukumu (n. fruit) kureva muchero.